Angelo Dalli is a serial entrepreneur and investor with involvement in the Technology, Entertainment and Gaming industries. Since the late nineties he has distinguished himself for his ability to combine deep technical ability with commercial acumen, and holds a Ph.D. in Computer Science and AI. Angelo is a fully accredited member of EBAN, the European Business Angel Network and has achieved a number of successful exits from startups that he founded, being recognized in 2014 as Malta’s top IT entrepreneur. As an innovator he has authored over 23 peer reviewed papers in Europe and the US focusing on the application of AI, Natural Language Processing and Search Engine technology. Angelo has also represented Malta in various international events and has won a bronze medal at the International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) in 1995.
Angelo’s profile is a realization of the mantra he works by ‘To create scaleable, repeatable technology businesses that lead by innovation’.